Welcome to the website! I am a qualified Nutritionist with a BSc Hons in Human Nutrition from Leeds University in the UK. Legally certified by the Ministerio de Sanidad España. I have a Life-Coaching Diploma, Mat pilates instruction certified, with 25 years of teaching and public speaking behind me. After completing a Master of Arts in Translation Studies from Spanish to English at the University of Portsmouth in 2021, I am now studying for a Master's in Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Valencia, Spain. I am also a self-taught artist.
Nutrition and Wellness Coaching
Well-Being and Health

Well-Being and Health

Learning about yourself and your own needs is the first step in the right direction to reaching an optimum place or feeling of well-being. Unfortunately, this objective is difficult to achieve or maintain and requires much dedication and motivation to remain in perfect equilibrium.

Nutrition, posture, relaxing, sport, exercise, stretching, creativity, socialising, working, studying, healthy relationships, family status and health are just a list of a few things that affect well-being. Overall, having diverse options and outlets in life and good health and general happiness with your environment and where you live all play a big part in achieving this balance. So, if you feel that there is some part of your life is not in harmony or maybe many areas, or you are just feeling a bit lost in life, just the fact that you are reading this means you have taken the first critical step of change and obtaining a more balanced life.

As a Life- Coach and Nutritionist, I can guide and coach you in the right direction and thus teach you the right skills to help you be able to achieve a feeling of well-being in your life.