Welcome to the website! I am a qualified Nutritionist with a BSc Hons in Human Nutrition from Leeds University in the UK. Legally certified by the Ministerio de Sanidad España. I have a Life-Coaching Diploma, Mat pilates instruction certified, with 25 years of teaching and public speaking behind me. After completing a Master of Arts in Translation Studies from Spanish to English at the University of Portsmouth in 2021, I am now studying for a Master's in Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Valencia, Spain. I am also a self-taught artist.
Nutrition and Wellness Coaching
Current Scientific Research

Current Scientific Research

There is a vast amount of scientifc based evidentce to support how dietery and life-style changes along with health eating and wellness coaching can optimise health and well-being. This space provides some current literature on the topic.

  • Minfulness-based eating awareness therapy, nutrtional counselling and exercise coaching are known to have a positive influence on emotional eating and subsequently weight (Annesi, 2021).
  • The positive effects of exercise on depression and anxiety are encouraging and back up the importance of exercise intervention (Arent, Walker & Arent, 2020).
  • Reducing emotional eating behaviours may promote greater weight loss in overweight adults (Braden et al, 2016).

Annesi, J. J. (2021). Effects of Increased Exercise on Propensity for Emotional Eating Through Associated Psychological Changes. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 53(11), 944-950. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2021.07.003.

Arent, S. M., Walker, A. J., & Arent, M. A. (2020). The effects of exercise on anxiety and depression. Handbook of sport psychology, 872-890.https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119568124.ch42

Braden, A., Flatt, S. W., Boutelle, K. N., Strong, D., Sherwood, N. E., & Rock, C. L. (2016). Emotional eating is associated with weight loss success among adults enrolled in a weight loss program. Journal of behavioral medicine, 39(4), 727-732 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s10865-016-9728-8